Corona protocol August

Dear tigers and tigers-to-be,
After 5 months, we are finally able to get back on the handball field. Luckily, we are no longer limited by the 1,5-meter rule during playing. However, there are still a couple of measures we need to take to ensure our own safety and that of others.

Firstly and most importantly, we expect you to stay home and not attend practice when you are experiencing coronavirus related symptoms. This is also the case if a housemate or a close contact of yours tested positive for the coronavirus. When it is noticed that a person is showing symptoms, trainers and board members will address this issue and the person can be send home.


–             Still try to adhere to the 1,5-meter rule when possible. Only when it is unavoidable for  playing handball normally, you are allowed to break the 1,5-meter rule.

–             Outside of the field, the 1,5-meter rule still applies. Think about the dressing rooms and  when standing beside the field.

–             It is not allowed to sing, chant or scream in- and outside of the field.

–             Practice good hand hygiene and prevent shaking hands or giving high fives.

Also, the dressing rooms at the ACLO will be closed until the 21st of august so make sure you are already dressed, bring a full bottle of water and shower at home!

We hope to see you all next week during practice!

The Board

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