Outcome 14-15
This season’s home game Sundays have showed a remarkable trend: most teams win and one loses. Unfortunately, this weekend it was us, Sunday Ladies 2.
In the early Sunday morning we were up against HVA from Annen. It promised to be a very loaded game, given the result last year: abandoned match, anyone? HVA is the current leader in our completion, so we knew what we were up against.
With an almost complete team and extra support from Jana and Buf, we were up to a great start. Thanks to our solid defense and non-joling goalie, we were 6-1 in the lead after 23 min. Unfortunately, this is where we lost our mojo and the half-time score was 6-4. In an exciting second half we struggled with our passing, especially on longer distances which gave Annen the opportunity for counter attacks. Even though our defense was still solid, yielding Carla, who just returned from an ankle injury, the only 2 minute suspension of the game, HVA came closer and closer and eventually took the lead. Five minutes before the end we were down by 3 goals. We fought like tigers and almost made it to a tie, losing by one goal difference (14-15).
In two weeks the last home Sunday of 2019 is on, and together we can break with tradition and keep all 8 points in Groningen!